Welcome To The Veterinary Scholarship System

Welcome to the Veterinary Scholarship Website. Please closely read all instructions and let us know if you have any questions. Depending on whether you have used this system before there are three courses of action you can take. If you are a:

If you can't remember the email address you registered with please contact Jessica Murdock, at agstudents@montana.edu or at (406) 994-3681.

The system does not require you to "submit" your application until you are ready to do so. You can save your application and return to the site as many times as you need; however, once you submit your application you will not be able to modify it again.

Your scholarship application must be filled out completely to be eligible for Veterinary scholarships. Your application information is stored securely on this server.

If questions arise as you progress through the application process, contact Jessica Murdock, Student Services Coordinator at agstudents@montana.edu or at (406) 994-3681.

If you have used this system in the past, you should log in using the email address you used at that time.

The site is currently closed, please come back on Monday, December 1, 2025 when we begin accepting applications. The site is open until Friday, May 1, 2026 at 5PM.

Note that the last date for priority consideration of your application is Sunday, March 1, 2026 at 11:59PM.